Pic was taken @ Botanical Garden, Penang :)

22 November 2011

Ada apa dengan pemimpin?

Sejurus selepas Umar bin Abdul Aziz dilantik menjadi khalifah, dia menghilang diri dan tidak kelihatan di khalayak ramai selama 2 hari. Orang bertanya pada anaknya, “Di mana ayah kamu?”. Anaknya menjawab, “Semenjak dia dilantik menjadi khalifah, dia menjadi terlalu takut sehinggakan berkurung di dalam bilik. Dia menangis setiap masa sehingga saya lihat janggutnya sentiasa basah dengan air mata."

Zaman sekarang jawatan pemimpin jadi idaman dan rebutan dan ramai yang sanggup bermatian-matian menindas dan menjatuhkan orang lain untuk merebutnya. Untuk berlaku adil dalam kepimpinan seperti yang dikehendaki oleh Allah bukanlah mudah. Dalam sejarah dunia, hanya beberapa kerat sahaja pemimpin yang adil, yakni yang layak untuk ke syurga.

Apakah kita suka kiranya jawatan pemimpin itu membukakan pintu neraka untuk kita? Sebab itu, takutlah pada Allah kiranya kita tercalon untuk jadi pemimpin. Sebab umumnya ramai pemimpin gagal dalam tugasnya. Lihat dunia di sekeliling, mana ada lagi pemimpin dan pemerintah yang adil? Di akhir zaman ini adalah satu pembohongan jika ada pihak yang melaungkan dia boleh memimpin dan memerintah lebih adil dari pemerintah yang ada.

Memimpin sebenarnya adalah tanggungjawab yang sangat berat. Orang yang ingat Allah akan rasa tidak munasabah untuk merebut jawatan pemimpin. Kalau ada orang yang lebih baik hendak ambil jawatan pemimpin dari kita, kita sepatutnya bersyukur. Ibarat kita di suruh panjat pokok kelapa, kalaulah ada orang lain boleh panjat, kita rasa lega. Demikianlah untuk menjadi pemimpin yang adil, hakikatnya jauh lebih susah dari kerja memanjat pokok kelapa.

~nukilan daripada seorang sahabat saya~

~dipetik daripada www.leadersipchamps.wordpress.com~

Secara jujurnya memang saya juga mendapati kata2 pemimpin disekeliling saya agak sukar untuk dipercayai. Terkini saya dilempar dengan kata2 celaan oleh seorang pemimpin di pejabat saya sendiri. Rata2 warga kerja mengetahui hamba Allah ini seorang yang berilmu dan mempunyai ciri2 warak namun, dalam sekelip mata, semua itu diduga dan beliau akhirnya menunjukkan belangnya di depan orang ramai. Sakit hati saya masih terasa dan kalau ikutkan hati mahu sahaja saya membelasah dia macam aksi Aaron Aziz dalam filem KL Gangster yang banyak memenangi anugerah semasa Festival Filem 24 hari Ahad lepas. Saya mahu Allah bangga dengan hambaNya ini, lantas saya berdoa agar dia dipulihkan daripada penyakit hati hasutan syaitan itu.

Begitu juga pemimpin politik kita sekarang tanpa mengira parti (MLM??) apa yang diwakili. Cakapnya bergedar2 tapi hasilnya masih kabur. Ianya lebih teruk bagi pemimpin parti yang lebih 50 tahun itu... bila agaknya mereka takut dengan Allah?

09 November 2011

Take Compliments - wikiHow

Take Compliments - wikiHow

Guess what??? I am this type of person, I will go speecless when somebody compliment me. Mungkin saya telah terlalu biasa dengan 'celaan' sehinggakan bila pujian diberi saya terkedu. So, this article really useful to me... hope we can learn something from this :)
Congratulations! You've earned somebody's respect and admiration. What do you say to that? If you're flustered by praise, it's time to learn how to take a compliment at face value and appreciate the best of it. After all, you're worth it, right?


  1. Understand what deflecting a compliment is really about. If you're uncomfortable receiving compliments, it's likely that you discount compliments and thereby stop the compliments from being made by that person again. The ways of discounting a compliment include: suggesting that it was nothing or that someone else could have done it better, thinking that the complimenter must be after something from you, being embarrassed and blushing or giving a compliment in return, being sarcastic or insisting that the complimenter doesn't mean what they say. Each of these ways of deflecting a compliment results in putting down both yourself and the giver of the compliment, so they're not actually very giving or kind responses. If you have these problems in relation to accepting compliments, try to see the motivation for discounting compliments in a different light:
  • Modesty: If you think that you're being modest by deflecting a compliment, think again. Modesty is a virtue provided it isn't taken to an extreme; like any other trait, it has to exist in moderation. Modesty becomes a noose around your neck when it cripples your style and causes you to overlook what you're good at and the skills that define you. If you feel you need to compare yourself to someone who is always going to be "better" than you, then it's time to stop the comparisons, lower the bar of modesty and start respecting the good things about yourself a whole lot more.
  • Distrust: If you discount a compliment because you lack trust in the motivations of the giver, then you're being aggressive or hostile. You're immediately assuming that this person is being sycophantic and is weaseling their way into your good books just for their own purposes. While there is a possibility from time to time that an occasional person might be telling a white lie, most people are genuine about giving compliments and deciding on whether or not someone is trustworthy on the basis of compliments is a daft approach to life. Besides which, even if they are faking it, it annoys them most when you accept a compliment as genuine!
  • Trying to match the compliment: If you feel obliged to give a compliment in return for a compliment, it's likely that you're a people pleaser and that you're trying to self efface by batting back the compliment. If you think "I can't keep this compliment, they deserve it more than me!" and immediately scramble to bat it back to them, then it's possible you're denying the beauty of the compliment you earned based on your own behavior and way of being.
  • Think about taking a compliment as an exercise in being assertive. An assertive person knows their self worth and appreciates acknowledgement but neither seeks it out nor rebuffs it when received. More importantly, an assertive response is a recognition that you are worth the compliment and that you are entitled to quell any negative voice that seeks to deflect the compliment.
  • See accepting a compliment as a compliment in itself. In accepting a compliment, you are telling the other person that you trust their judgment, their wisdom and their sense of self. And that you appreciate what they have to say about you. And more than anything, focus on receiving the compliment rather than on its content. This helps you to acknowledge the compliment and express appreciation for it being given to you. Most importantly, since giving a compliment is a form of uttering an opinion, stop yourself from disagreeing with it or you risk downplaying someone else's opinion.
  • Decide how you'd like to take the compliment. While it's clear that you can deflect or discount a compliment in various ways, you can also respond to a compliment positively in a number of ways. It really depends upon the context that you're in and how you're perceiving the compliment. In particular, you can choose an appropriate response to a compliment depending on whether you'd like to accept the compliment itself at face value, even if you don't agree with it or you'd like to accept the compliment's substance and reflect that in your response, perhaps even using it to engage on further conversation:
    • When accepting the compliment as it is, even if it's not something you agree with, keep the reply simple and stay focused on the fact of receiving the compliment and be appreciative that the person was happy to compliment you. Some examples are:
    • "Thank you very much" or just "thank you". These are simple, timeless classics that should be easy enough to utter even if the compliment has caught you off guard. If that's all you can think to say, leave it at that.
  • "Thanks, I appreciate that."
  • "Thank you; that's a really lovely thing to say."
  • "Thanks - that's makes me feel really good."
  • "Thanks. That means a lot to me."
  • "Thanks, you're a kind person."
  • When accepting a compliment in a way that shows that you're appreciative of the substance of the compliment, this can really help to make the person giving the compliment feel that they've hit the right spot. Some examples are:
    • "Thanks. I'm really glad you noticed that because it's something I'm proud of too."
  • "Thanks! I'm so enthusiastic about this project, so it's great to know you're keen too."
  • "Thanks. I like it too – that's why I bought it even though I had to save up for ages."
  • "Thanks. I had fun making it and it's great to know you like it."
  • "Thanks. It has been in my family for generations."
  • "Thank you! I tried really hard." This is a really good response when somebody has praised your effort, as there is never any harm in acknowledging effort and that the outcome wasn't simply a fluke.
  • It's often good to use the compliment to further conversation. Say something like: "Thanks! I found it in New Look - it's amazing what you can get there." That way you've accepted the compliment and moved on to something about which you can both talk.
  • Smile. When taking a compliment, smiling says a lot without requiring you to say anything. You've probably earned it, so enjoy your moment in the spotlight. Also, pay attention while you're being complimented. If you give a person a half-hearted reply such as "whatever" or "mhm," don't expect that person to be quick to compliment you again. An expressive "thank you" is much better than "uh-huh".
  • If you suspect that the sincerity of the compliment is questionable or the compliment is confusing, you might want to open up an opportunity to explore it. This step is absolutely optional because on the whole, this approach is not recommended, for the very reason that there is more to be gained from letting insincere compliments float off you unacknowledged than there is by tackling them. Be totally aware that it would be really unfortunate if you have misjudged the compliment and see insincerity where there is none – that could really offend the other person. However, if you feel that you really need to question the compliment, you might approach it like this:
    • "It just strikes me that you didn't make a sincere compliment then. Are you being open/frank with me when you say that you like what I am wearing/doing/writing/creating, etc? I'd rather know that you're not happy about something I've done/said than to dance around the edges. At least if I know, I can strive to make changes."
  • Return a compliment later. Remember when a person has complimented you and note that it's nice and courteous to return it in a short space of time. Some people like to compliment straight away but as discussed above, you do need to be very careful that you're doing this for genuine reasons and not simply as a way of discounting the original compliment made to you. If you're not sure, then don't give a compliment at the time you're given one but do remember to return a compliment at another opportune moment. In fact, just get into the habit of making regular compliments through seeing the good in others and expressing this openly, as a part of who you are.
    • Simply say something nice about the person who gave you a compliment. A great way to return the favor is to compliment on something of theirs and smile. And be sure to notice the efforts they put into things; everyone loves having their efforts acknowledged.
  • If you haven't anything nice to say though, say nothing at all. Keeping your mouth shut is better than conjuring up false reasons to compliment another person.
  • Give credit where credit is due. Share the compliment with the whole group of friends, family or coworkers. If you couldn't have done something you've been complimented for without them, say so. This is especially important if the person giving the compliment was responsible for your success.
  • Video


    • Don't ever argue a compliment out. Just because you feel that your accomplishment wasn't really all that hard or that the compliment didn't really fit doesn't mean you have to protest or object to the compliment. If you're uncomfortable with the compliment for some reason, keep the response absolutely minimal but polite – smile, say thanks, and let it go.
  • Keep it brief. Don't try to fill a loss for words with a lot of extra words that don't belong.
  • Don't fish for more. Accept the compliment graciously and move on. Preening for compliments is a sign of immaturity and insecurity; deal with these underlying issues if you actively seek out compliments.
  • Not all compliments are about your looks. Consider compliments about your character and personality to carry much greater weight than outside appearances.
  • If you're afraid of an awkward silence after being complimented, move the conversation along without blowing their compliment off. If they like your sweater, tell them where you got it. If they say that your hair looks especially nice, tell them where you got it done. However, be sure not to do so in a way that could be taken as bragging or fishing for more praise.
  • Practice these steps in a mirror. Just imagine someone says something nice, then say "Aww, thank you. That means a lot to me."
  • Don't change the topic without acknowledging the compliment. If they took the time to compliment you, it was definitely genuine, and should be handled as such.
  • Remember that you are just as entitled to receive compliments as everyone else. Don't try to shy away from them.
  • Warnings

    • Don't object, or say anything along the lines of, "Oh, no, I was awful!" This is rude, makes them feel stupid, and besides, you're insulting their sense of taste or judgment if you say something negative back. Even if you disagree with them, saying something negative could make you sound boorish and arrogant.
  • Don't become so good at accepting a compliment that you forget to give them out from time to time as well!
  • If they compliment your clothes or shoes don't say "Oh, this old thing?", as this is an impolite brush-off; accept that they truly think it is nice.
  • Try not to say something like: "Thanks, I like them too". It makes you redundant. If you wear something you usually like it, unless it is one of those bunny-eared footsie pajamas your grandmother made that you are forced to wear. But people understand that better.
  • Refrain from saying "Thanks! I paid a lot for it, it should be nice" or anything similar. This also makes you look egotistical and rude. It also may imply that you may have a lot of money, or not very much.
  • Gratitude isn't necessary when it's an insult delivered as a compliment. "You're so intelligent for someone of your (race/gender/class/background)" is not a compliment. It's a bigoted insult. Be aware of the difference and decide how to handle the insult as what it is. Calling them on it may be appropriate under the circumstances.
  • Compliments can also be inappropriate. If complimented on your appearance or taste as a response to a major achievement, look at the context. Someone may be throwing in an extra compliment - or trying to trivialize the achievement. You can tell by the tone.
  • Related wikiHows

    Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Take Compliments. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

    03 October 2011

    Mari! Mari! Layan DVD :)

    Throughout Ramadan my DVD rental mode was switch off, I cant squeeze the time to do it. Lepas raya ajer, kemaruk la... just look at the list kan??? hahaha Panjang kan senarai nya? So I am sharing only short reviews of them.

    Bangkok Knockout - Muka depa nih memang tak hensem tapi bila berlawan fuh! Rasanya macam kita pulak yang lawan sama... Action movie lovers, go and get the DVD.

    **Good fighting skills**

    Season of The Witch - The girl is not a witch, she is being possessed so calling her a witch is off actually. Though Nicholas Cage and Rol Perlman were in here but that does not make it a good movie though! Watch the movie only if you have spare time.

    ** Fighting with priest zombies are very scary**

    True Grit - Probably to us Malaysians, cowboys movie really not a fav. Besides nice screenshots, the movie is quite hard to understand its reasons. I dont really care how it ends :P

    **No romance movie hehe**

    Paul - from the guys who brings you Hot Fuzz, those guys; Nick Frost and Simon Pegg are gonna tickle you again. Fun and bloody hilarious! Rental recommended.

    ** Paul, the alien claimed that he is the advisor to Steven Speilberg... **

    Mars Needs Moms - Kids will definitely love this one, oh... mom and dad too hehehe Rental recommended.

    **Men are the same whether they are earthlings or the martians... ahaks!**

    3,2,1 Cinta - Fun but a bit off for me. Watch it if you really have time to kill.

    **Sedalam mana pun cinta, takkan sanggup tak grad2 semata2 menunggu gadis pujaan masuk U**

    Flat 3A - Sedikit berbeza daripada cerita2 seram yang lain dengan jalan cerita yang tidak kita sangka walaupun pada mulanya kita sekadar mengagak. Saya suka! Pi sewa DVD nih... Tak takut la... nih citer mistik dan bomoh.

    **Sungguh tak sangka dia tu ialah anak si bomoh yang dibunuh oleh lelaki itu yang telah membuntingkan minah kilang tersebut yang juga berkawan dengan anak si bomoh yang membela jin! Korang faham tak nih???**

    Senario Ops Pocot - $$**)(**#&%TY*(PBY#$#*I(HH Jangan buang masa melainkan lawak Scenario masih relevan dengan diri.

    **Lawak 3 Stoogers dah tak relevan dengan saya**

    Red Riding Hood - well this is totally not the nursery rhymes movie. I like the cinema shoot and the sombre and dull atmosphere. It sets the mood to the movie. Gary Oldman is always my favourite :) The storyline is good as it leaves you guessing who is the werewolf but the ending is a little unexpected huh? Rental recommended.

    **Ciyannya, last2 dia jadik werewolf gak...**

    Pirates of the Caribbean : On Stranger Tides - Totally incomparable with the previous franchise, this is definitely stranger. But I love Johnny Depp! Captain Jack Sparrow is only his and him alone :) Go rent the DVD!

    Tolong Awek Aku Pontianak - Fun and laughable... Everybody in totally different characters... Good! Rental recommended.

    **Amboi! Pintu tertutup sendiri! Hmmmm pintu automatik! hahahaha**

    Fast and Furious 5 (Fast Five) - what can I say, this is really fast and furious. But why do I have the feeling that The Rock is not using his actual voice in this movie. He sounds to good :P and Vin Diesel acting is a bit off compared to the previous framchise. Apa pun, Han Lue (Sung Kang) is back and HOT! I love it! Need adrenalin rush? Go and rent the DVD. I thot this is the end but...

    Thor - another super hero fantasy action movie but yet while watching it you feel like you are experiencing it as well and wanna be a part of the Asgard. Camno tu??? I like this movie as it give me different perspective towards thunder and lightning hehehe Rental recommended.

    **Asgard is really nice place, I wanna stay there..**

    Wu Xia - you know the best fight scene is usually from the HK kung fu movies. This is the only thing that Hollywood still unable to duplicate and special to us. Please take sometime to enjoy this as it is a really hard core kung fu movie with some gross scenes but yet the fight scene were simply marvellous! Donnie Yen at his best! ops Takashi too... No Takeshi does not fight in this movie but his detective acting will make you puzzled! ;)

    **Hey! where do they shoot this movie? Kampung yang chantek bangat!**

    Hantu Bonceng - Lawak cerita nih tamat selepas hantu bonceng telah selamat dikebumikan. Selepas tu citer nih dah jadik macam Gerak Khas dan sememangnya hanya mengharapkan Zizan semata-mata. Tengok sekali udah ler...

    **Citer rempit lagik!**

    Karipap Karipap Cinta - Saya menyewa DVD citer ini kerana Eman Manan yang mana saya kagumi lakonannya dan dia memang tidak mengecewakan saya dalam cerita ini. Jalan cerita yang menarik dengan menjadikan karipap sebagai pengikat cinta. Mungkin kepuasan cerita ini akan melebihi biasa bila membaca novel ini. Pi laaa sewa DVD nih....

    ** apa yang penting kerjasama! hahaha**

    Rango - I love Johhny Depp!!!!!!!!!!!

    **Rango is a chameleon and his brother is a rattlesnake, so how is their parents looked like???**

    Gantz - From manga to anime to action live. A movie cant tells us the story of 300++ manga episodes kan? So this is the beginning of the story... and this is a supernatural science fiction story so everything is on fantasy ride :) For those who likes to think outside the box, DVD rental is highly recommended.

    Subzero - Dont waste your time!

    X-Men First Class - Telling myself not to compare this with the previous franchise but it is quite hard to do so. Cant blame it because The X Men trilogy has setup an unique branding image. But I still enjoy this movie and rental is recommended.

    Sucker Punch - Again, watch this is you really have time to spare... or you like to watch girls kicked some ass hehehe

    08 September 2011

    Apa ke hei ngan orang nih???

    Semalam saya and hubby singgah makan kat satu restoran makanan segera. Adalah seorang nih... nak kata mamat cam minah tapi nak kata minah macam mamat. Kan dah was2 tu... hish! geram aku! Kalu adik aku dah lama aku belasah...

    Saya buat donno ajer wpun beberapa orang lain dalam restoran tu dok pandang2 dia. Dia suker la menjadi tarikan so asyik sengih2 dan lentok liuk macam penari dok menari tarian lilin. Rambut panjang lurus diikat pony tail, ladies tshirt belang2 with dark color jeans. Yang jelas tangan dan leher dia menampakkan sedikit kejantanan.

    Gambar sekadar hiasan ajer tau... bukan betul2 kejadian.
    Kalu ikutkan gambar di atas nih, lawa lagi mamat dalam gambar tu hehehe
    bukan nak mengutuk tapi kenyataan

    Memang saya takkan layan orang seperti ini tapi ada sesuatu pada dia menyebabkan saya ingin berkongsi cerita ini. Selalunya 'mamat minah' confuse cam gini akan merenung lelaki sebab itulah kecenderungannya tapi susah aku nak bahasakan diri mamat minah nih dia dok pandang saya dengan satu pandangan yang berbeza. Bukan tertarik menarik kau memang the bomb yea i know i am gojes kan :P dia dok pandang macam nak sesuatu daripada saya.

    Semalam memang saya ada wang tunai dalam handbag dan galaxy tab lagik, lantas catatan teman2 di FB mengenai ragut di kedai mamak menjadikan saya lebih berhati2. Saya telah membuat kira2 dalam kepala otak kalau dia mai kat aku, aku belasah dia dulu, cerita kemudian. Sangkanya, saya ajer yang berperasaan begitu rupanya cik abang pun perasan.

    Apa dia nak??? tanya cik abang. Dok tenung semacam ajer??? Dia syok kat you, balas saya. Sesajer buat lawak yang tak lawak, kalu masuk raja lawak sure minggu pertama dah kena undi kuar :)

    So apa lagi cepat2 makan and blah. Sampai saya masuk dalam kereta, dia dok pandang saya tanpa berkelip aku memang lawa. Balik rumah saya terus sakit perut yang sangat tapi cik abang tak pulak. Elok ajer... Mulalah saya sangka yang bukan2. mamat minah tu hantar apa2 ke dalam food aku tadik? tapi kena buang prasangka tu jauh2... saya takmo bersekongkol dengan syaitan, lantas terus baca ayat Qudsi dan berdoa agar Allah jauhkan benda2 tu daripada saya dan keluarga saya.

    Namun dalam hati, saya masih teringatkan mamat minah tu... Semoga Allah memberi hidayah kepadanya.

    23 August 2011

    Hey! Hey! Hey! My new toys!

    Kejadian di pagi Sabtu yang lalu...

    Yus! Bangun! Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.0 is RM999 only!

    oooo untuk first 300 customers only... haaaa... nih baru sebahagian, yang beratur panjang kat belakang tu lagi berjela... termasuklah saya :P

    hhhmmm but still I managed to grab the toy at cheaper price with Celcom Broadband contract.

    my black beauty

    nipis with 8.6mm and ringan with 565gm

    the first pic with tabbie, but oh its only 3mp only... tapi apa kejadah nak amik gambar guna tabbie kan? :P hahahaha tapi besar sungguh gambar tu bila preview on its screen hehehe

    yang nih cik ketumbar amik...
    dia kan pantang jumpa camera hahahahaha

    on sunday I bought a hair dryer. kali terakhir saya membeli hair dryer ialah pada tahun 1996 hehee dah kaput pun hair dryer tu... since now I suddenly wanna follow Rapunzel hair care so the toy is obviously needed hehehe

    heyyyy I purposely bought the pink hair dryer because I wanted to grow the more feminine me hahahaha iyo ler tu kan???

    ok my tabbie is beeping and beeping... susah gak bile gmail, FB, messaging, news and social hub are all buzzing me at once... tu tak masuk updates on andriod market :P but I AM VERY MUCH CONTENTED! ALHAMDULILLAH...

    17 August 2011

    I'm Sorry!!!

    aaaahhhh... waktu mmg agak terhad buat masa ni... Thesis saya meruntun masa melebihi anak kecil yang baru dilahirkan, tugasan pejabat juga bukan sesuatu yang enteng.

    unlucky me have to manoeuvre everything huhu susah memang susah tapi saya redho... sekiranya rintihan jiwa saya ini berjaya menghapuskan dosa2 kecil lagi la saya redho. Ya Allah! kuatkan semangat hamba mu ini...

    eh you all! selamat menggandakan ibadah ramadan kali ini!

    me have no baju raya this year huhuhu

    22 July 2011

    The not so matured Harry

    Baru lepas tengok Harry Potter 7 Part 2. For movie lovers its probably ok but for book lover like me... boley laaaaaa... I expected more actually huhuhu

    08 July 2011

    2 filem, 2 panggung

    Transformers : Dark Of The Moon

    As a sci-fi movie enthusiast, this is phenomenal!!!! and this is totally a huge improvement compared to the previous franchise, Revenge of the Fallen. The action scenes are extravagant and at times, pretty epic. The robots transformed realistically to make a real life killing machines of a compelling action scenes. Even tiny transformers shape shifting convincingly. The acting was fair though I feel the new girl is better but she is just a plank of wood most of the times not to mention the chemistry with Shia ; she is totally gone hehehe

    Overall this movie is 8 over 10 and I am not expecting the Best Movie nominee or winner. It is just right to fill my expectation and improvement over T2. In the end, the great special effects and extremely extravagant action scenes will be more than enough to cover the flaws. My favs are the scenes with the collapsing buildings and the tracking shots of Optimus Prime slicing and smashing through Decepticons are classic. Autobots! Roll out!!!!!!


    Movie nih panggung di rumah hehehe Antara yang menyebabkan saya menjadi pelanggan Aseterok Ferest adalah kerana rupa hantu yang sungguh menyakinkan dan sememangnya saya tidak kecewa dengan hantu tu dan CGI nya... tapi jalan cerita movie nih sedikit merapu. Ia umpama orang buat citer hantu aku pun nak buat gak... so lawak ler jadiknya. Terus hilang keseraman selepas di saat kemalangan kereta dan hantu kaco hantu... apa kes???

    Saya rasa sudah banyak kali saya perkatakan bahawa saya tidak sekali2 menbanding movie mat salleh dengan movie kita tapi cubalah beri satu movie yang mempunyai standard yang baik atau above average. Sekali lagi, layan Hantu Kak Limah lagi besh!!!!!

    24 June 2011

    Lepas action, seram pulak...

    Walaupun tema minggu nih seram, terselit gak satu citer action hehehehe To my dear friend Speedy No. 9 - yup with 2 princesses at home is enough to make me a fan of Barbie, Disney Princesses, Strawberry Shortcakes and Doraemon's movies hehehehe oh ya... Tinkerbell's too... :)

    Battle : Los Angeles

    This movie had some good things in it. The blasting boom of the gunshots were startlingly realistic. The alien spacecrafts are awesome. The aliens themselves are pretty cool. Its just that the screenplay is very cliché. Typical alien movie. If you have time to kill, this movie is ok. No grossy scenes la...


    Filem genre seram kedua daripada Ahmad Idham. This is much better than Damping Malam. Pembangunan watak masih boleh dikembangkan namun, pelakon memberi persembahan yang baik untuk filem ini.

    Maklumat tambahan, dalam filem bolehlah Ustaz tu halau saka dengan sekali rawatan saja. Dalam kehidupan sebenar, memisahkan saka dengan tuannya bukanlah kerja mudah namun masih boleh berjaya dilakukan dengan sabar dan tawakal.

    Doraemon - Perang Ikan Duyung

    Memang sesuai layan anak2 dengan cerita nih :)

    Dilarang Masuk

    Nasib baik tak tengok wayang citer nih... Bukan nak merendahkan martabat filem Melayu tapi... saya rasa orang kita sanggup bayar mahal jika kualiti filem baik.

    Sila jangan buang masa...


    Saya telah sedaya upaya untuk tidak membandingkan cerita ini dengan Blair Witch Project ataupun Paranormal Activity tapi saya tetap kaciwa...

    Hantu Kak Limah lagi besh oi!!!!!

    14 June 2011

    Abang Long @ MRSM Transkrian

    Semalam Abang Long mendaftar di MRSM Transkrian, Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang. Kami sekeluarga kali pertama menjejakkan kaki di Transkrian ni... Nice place, food sedap hehehehe

    Mudah2an Abang Long dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan persekitaran yang baru. Sesungguhnya hati saya memang berdebar sebab ini kali pertama akan berjauhan dalam tempoh yang agak lama dengan 'baby' nih... Walau pun dah umur 16 tahun, he is still a baby to me...

    Masa berpisah memang sedih. Athirah memang menangis teresak-esak. Mama Azim nih pun tangkap leleh sama hehehehe tapi bila mendengar kata2 Azim, hati jadi sejuk... "Mama, terima kenyataan anak mama nih dah besar. Kalau Azim tak pisah dengan mama sekarang, kita sure akan berpisah kemudian masa Azim masuk universiti."

    "Ya Allah, selamatkanlah anak aku nih!!!!!"

    dan aku menangis sepanjang perjalanan pulang ke KL...

    06 June 2011

    Kalau tak action, mesti tak sah punya...

    1 DVD and 2 movies at the theater :)

    The Warrior's Way

    A mixture of Ip Man and wild west meets Asian buddy movie this is. It looks like the movie was shot with green background and later, the Art Director canves the background with CGI. At times the action appears to happening within the panels of a comic book (i.e. Spirit or Speed Racer).

    The story line is simple and direct but the action scenes are computer generated. The non computer generated action scenes are still worth watching and able to zest adrenalin rush :)

    Kung Fu Panda 2

    aaaahhhh the kids have been nagging to watch the movie and my ears seems bleeding he he he

    what can i say about Jack Black??? Awesome! and by the way the movie ends, i think there is Kung Fu Panda 3! :P


    Ternyata Shahiezy Sam layak menerima habuan beribu2 lemon daripada David Teo tempoh hari. Beliau membuktikan bahawa dia memang pelakon yang versatil daripada mat rempit ke mat ngangkung ke mat gengster.

    Saya suka dengan jalan ceritanya, ringkas dan bersahaja tetapi macam cubaan terlebih mengampu PDRM???? entah lah hanya Farid Kamil yang tahu hehehehe

    Apa pun saya rasa, babak yang terakhir sekali tu tidak perlu sama sekali. Jika penonton ditinggalkan dengan shot kaki Tumulak tergedik2 dalam sungai tu akan memberi impak yang lebih sayu?? wpun dia lah penyebab kongsi gelap berbalah. Lu orang nak tengok citer melayu yang up sikit scene lawan2 nya, pi rembat citer nih... Tak rugi ler bayar RM8 ops... aku bayar RM15 untuk tontotan seisi keluarga :) Asteruk First maaaaa...

    24 May 2011

    How to Remove Mind Tattoos - wikiHow

    How to Remove Mind Tattoos

    from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
    "Mind tattoos" are mental imprints. Though not physically visible, these manifest themselves in your actions, reactions, and thought processes, and more often than not, they are a negative imprint. If body tattoos are exhibits, might we not view mind tattoos as inhibits? Unable to be concealed no matter how hard you try to cover them up with excuses, distractions, or addictions, mind tattoos harm you through their persistence and habitual nature. However, with small effort and much resolve, it is possible to shed your mind tattoos. On paper the recipe is very simple, and certainly it will be harder to actually implement, but once you're resolved to deal with your mind tattoos, and once you dedicate yourself to this task, your life will take a turn for the better.


    1. Use the simple displacement method. Mind tattoos and negative mindsets grow in a vacuum. Do not allow such a vacuum to be created in your mind. Increase your curiosity for things around you and beyond, allow yourself the privilege to be wonder-struck. Let the newness of every moment tickle your senses. Question yourself, keep asking what, why, when, where and how. A questioning mind is an open mind. It is not a knowing mind (the knowing mind soon leads to arrogance and shutting down on newness). Only an open mind can be creative. A knowing mind can never be creative.
      • When you open your mind, it can be filled with creativity, positivity and newness. Negative mindsets and tattoos will be displaced and deleted.
      • A questioning stance sensitizes the mind in a very special way, enabling it to sense what would have been missed otherwise.
    2. Come out of the mindset of blame games. The most damaging tattoo is the tendency to look for and find a scapegoat for every situation. Release yourself from the tendency of being problem averse and for shifting away responsibility. Stop wringing up your hands whenever there is a problem; while it is good to hope for a life without problems, realistically it is possible only when you work to make your problems surmountable, by cultivating a problem-friendly attitude. This means just rolling up your sleeves whenever you're faced with a problem, and searching for an opportunity to improve the quality of your life by dealing with the problem. Being faced with a problem is never a problem. It is a way of life and once you have woven problem-solving into the matrix of your life, you will feel stronger, more capable, and freer of the negative mind tattoos.
    3. Open your mind to ideas from friends, acquaintances, and even strangers. A tattooed mind is beset with preconceived ideas and closed to suggestion from outside. Open up your thinking to the ideas, opinions, and viewpoints gathered from your friends, colleagues, and even from strangers. Once you realize the value of these alternative ideas and views, you will be in a position to start using your increased understanding and empathy to improve the quality of your own thought and decision processes.
    4. Set achievable goals, and achieve set goals. A major reason for negative thought process is failure on personal or professional front; not just failure though – it is the failure to learn and grow from failure, to accept it as part of life's lessons. The negative thinking can set in when personal or professional goals are not properly set. An improper understanding of your strengths or constraints often results in goals being not properly set and many excuses being made to sidestep developing a purpose to your life. In letting others make the decisions and change the rules on you, you drift rather than achieve through life. Instead, know yourself, understand yourself, and be yourself when setting your goals. This way you can be successful in setting and achieving your goal and keep failure out of your door. Moreover, do not be dissuaded by the failures but see them as detours that teach what to do better next time.
    5. Come out of the habit of perennial dissatisfaction. Perennial dissatisfaction is a major indication of a person with a negative mindset; a positive thinker can spot such a person a mile away and will do their best to steer clear (hence, you attract more negativity than its opposite). It is good to be acutely aware of your dissatisfaction and unfulfilled desires. However, this awareness should not frustrate you or cause you to give up citing everything as being "too hard" or "all over". Even if you are frustrated, it should never be reflected in your behavior toward other people. As a matter of fact, you should use this awareness as a stimulus to realize your dreams, and to be grateful for that which you have achieved already. See How to Stop Feeling Like Your Life Isn't Good Enough.
    6. Don’t overestimate the effects of your level (or lack) of schooling. A feeling of being uneducated or inadequately educated is one of the biggest self-destructing tattoo one can carry around. But higher level schooling can also imprint more negative tattoos: arrogance, self-righteous behavior, and greater dissatisfaction with one's lot in life or sensitivity to past failures. Whatever category you fall into, understand that schooling is different from education. Education is sourced from life itself, the people you meet, the things you discover, and the environment in which you move and observe daily. Very often people with less or no schooling are found to be highly educated in matters of life and other way round. Less schooled people are often highly successful because they have minds clear of the biases that schooling can build into us. The more highly schooled who have simply associated their learning with being of a "higher status" might actually lack openness to new ideas and empathy for others, so they wind up less likely to succeed. Both would do better to
      • realize that universities and degrees do not determine your level of your education and do not even determine a person's all-round intelligence or suitability for the rest of life.
      • Instead, figure out what you still need to learn and find the fastest way to learn it.
    7. Reframe your situation from different angles. A situation often appears to be hopeless and irretrievable. In many cases, such catastrophizing does not ultimately turn out to be true, especially where it is based on allowing ourselves to be the victim and to imagine things that are not there. Try to reframe the situation from different angles till you find an angle from where it looks acceptable. For example, in a cricket match in a close run-out decision, sometimes it appears that the batsman is out; however, reframing it from different angles gives the umpire more options of viewing the truth and taking correct decision. Similarly, being your own inner umpire (referee) by mental reframing of the situation often helps you to make the correct decision.
    8. Tattoo your mind with conscious, positive thoughts. What we tattoo on any part of the body for others to see is not as important as what we tattoo in our minds. Much of what is tattooed there has been absorbed from the criticisms, expectations, and limitations placed upon us by other people; they are not wanted or chosen tattoos but they are embedded out of obligation, loyalty, misplaced trust, and over-eagerness to please the other. On the other hand, positive, successful, energetic mind tattoos are a must to attain success and are tattoos that we can choose to implant and thrive from. So, it should be your conscious (and ultimately subconscious) endeavor to keep tattooing your mind with thoughts that are only about winning or thriving. Implant and nourish the tattoos that reflect who you want to be, the goals you want to reach, and the successes you seek to achieve. Mentally, make or choose your day's outcomes for the day every single day.
      • Focus doesn't simply sprout unaided. It requires effort and conscious attention. However, once you are focused, you can achieve a great deal of your heart's desire because you're consciously attending to what needs to be done, as well as channeling your subconscious experience more effectively.


    • Be very careful when implementing the process of removing your negative tattoos. It is necessary to restrain your feelings and impulses.
    • While you are going through this reform process, people around you could be the biggest inhibiting factors for you. Please be patient with them and be determined in your objective. Sometimes the fears and insecurities of others mean that they want us to stay where we are and not change or improve but you cannot bear their burdens for them, you can only choose to be a better person for yourself.
    • Take the advice and guidance of peers and elders. While you do not have to heed all that is said, other people's experiences are important sources of information and guidance to set you on the better path through avoiding the pitfalls that they experienced. Remember that reinventing the wheel is a waste of your time when you stand in front of many generations' of experience.
    • Thriving is better than winning at someone else's expense. In the long run it helps you sleep better at night and gives you more future resources. If you step on people during the climb, they'll kick you hard on the way down and remember exactly who you are.


    • Give yourself time. Expecting too much too early can result in disappointment and frustration.
    • Your mental tattoos are well entrenched and may resist evacuation initially. You need to be persistent and confident. You can, and you will, release your mind from them.
    • Filter the advice that comes in from other people with trial and error. Try it honestly but when the trial fails, look at why. They can be right for themselves and wrong for you. Sedentary people can get sick from lack of exercise but a disabled person can get sick from exercise. If those other people have the same mind tattoos, they can often just reinforce them - it didn't just crop up on its own. Don't let them just hand the same biases back to you with a new set of intellectual rationalizations. Your mind tattoos came from somewhere so consider the source and weigh ideas for themselves.
    • If your friends and enemies both agree on something about you, it's probably true or something about you makes people see you that way.

    Things You'll Need

    • A strong resolve
    • Self realization
    • A will to change
    • Dedication
    • Sacrifice

    Related wikiHows

    Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Remove Mind Tattoos. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

    12 May 2011

    Sugar price up by 20sen

    Last Wednesday, I received an email from a friend...

    "....Tan said sugar price in the country is still lower than neighbouring countries like Indonesia (RM3.80), Singapore (RM3.61), Thailand (RM2.31) and Phillipines (RM4.50)....".

    Sounds like a familiar statement coming from our mangkok-hayun lawmakers.....


    Thanks for the highlights but I am already fed-up tahap gaban to comment on this issue because it is really not worth commenting. These politician still like to bullshit the public with direct comparison like this, either who knows very little about economics or a complete IDIOT! The later fits those politicians actually.

    Why make direct comparison? There are many other factors should also be included i.e per capita income, purchasing power parity, CPI etc. (Aku nih bodoh subjek ekonomi masa belajar dulu tapi tak ler sebodoh depa nih kan...)

    Just imagine if these type of people aka politicians are spearherding the nation into a high income and developed nation by 2020, it's not a dream but a nightmare!

    Domino effect, our food price especially baby milk will go up and up and the salary is not moving at all... I seriously still think that we need a new government next!

    Award by Solelymylife on 14 April 2009

    Award by Solelymylife on 14 April 2009

    Award by Solelymylife on 14 April 2009

    Award by Solelymylife on 14 April 2009