Pic was taken @ Botanical Garden, Penang :)

09 June 2008

Movie marathon during school holidays

Last weekend was a movie marathon for me and Azim. Cuti sekolah... sakan ler menonton filem. Semua filem saya tonton di panggung wayang kecuali filem ’Magorium's Wonder Emporium’ yang saya tonton melalui VCD dengan Athirah.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Crystal Skull

Kalau anda sudah menonton 3 filem Indy yang lepas (apatah lagi menontonnya di panggung wayang), anda pasti akan menyukai filem ke 4 ini. Indy Crystal Skull memberi penonton apa yang kita mahukan dalam filem adventur ini dan penghabisan cerita yang menggembirakan. Suka tak????.

First Indie, "Raiders of the Lost Ark," in 1981, the second, "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom," in 1984, but my fave is the last one, "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade," in 1989. Saya suka lakonan Sean Connery kerana ekspresi beliau yang macho dan loghat English yang pekat.

Filem ini berlatar belakangkan zaman Perang Dingin dan seperti dijangkakan penjahatnya musuh tradisi USA, the Soviets. Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones kembali beraksi membelasah the Soviets and menyingkap rahsia disebalik artifek purba yang dipanggil Crystal Skulls.

Keseluruhan jalan cerita ini boleh dijangka dan cliché namum itulah keaslinya. Itulah trade mark cerita Indiana Jones. Ianya sama seperti 3 filem yang sudah cuma filem ini sambungan 20 tahun kemudian (Harrison Ford akan berusia 66 tahun bulan Julai ini).

Tapi adakah filem ini akan menarik perhatian mereka yang dilahirkan selepas tahun 1989? Saya rasa ia! Itu sebabnya Steven Speilberg mengambil Shia LeBouf sebagai Mutt, watak side kick Indy bagi filem ini. Serorang yang muda, lasak dan Fonzie wannabe (eh korang tau tak saper Fonzie nih????). Mungkin tarikan Mutt tidak sehebat peminat Transformers tapi lagak ngeri dan kesan khas filem ini memang hebat.

Cuma saya rasa Indie kehilangan sedikit sentuhan pencari harta karun kerana jalan cerita yang memasukkan elemen makluk asing angkasa lepas di dalamnya. Well, if you want a real Roswell, alien and UFO movies you better watch X-Files coming to cinema in July. Indy works when he’s in caves or tombs, instead of aliens. Rasanya George Lucas dan Steven Spielberg terbawa2 dengan rekaan mereka melalui Star Wars, ET ataupun mini series Taken.

Namun, saya tidak mahu anda semua dipersimpangan dilemma samada nak tengok tak nak tangok filem ini, saya ceritakan sedikit antara babak2 menarik and mencuit hati. Saya suka babak kejar mengejar antara tentera Soviets yang berkereta dan Indy dan Mutt yang menunggang motosikal disekitar kampus lalu terus masuk ke dalam bangunan dan aksi ‘sliding’ dalam perpustakaan. Nice shots… kemudian dialog antara Indy dan teman wanitanya, Marion dalam lori askar Soviets selepas ditangkap dan dalam usaha untuk melepaskan diri… Marion berkata, “Oh, I bet there’s been plenty of women since me”, Indy membalas “Yeah, there’s been a few, but there was always a problem.” “What’s that”, Marion bertanya. “None of them were you, honey.” Oh so sweet…

Menonton filem aksi adventur ini, kita akan merasai perasaan yang sama ketika menonton trilogy Indy tahun 80an dahulu disulami dengan "slightly different and new pesona". Haaa apa tunggu lagi???

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

Cerita ini saya menonton agak lewat sebab pada sangkaan saya ceritanya meleret macam filem pertama dulu sebaliknya sangkaan saya kurang tepat.

Berdasarkan buku nukilan C.S. Lewis yang mengisahkan 4 beradik kembali ke Narnia, 1300 tahun kemudian bagi mempertahankan Narnia dari serangan Telmarines.

Pemilihan pelakon dan gaya lakonan adalah lebih baik dalam filem ini berbanding dengan Narnia1. Bolehkah Ben Barnes melakonkan watak Pince Caspian? Tunggu dulu saya jawab soalan itu kemudian sebab watak yang paling saya gemari ialah Trumpkin, pahlawan kerdil yang memikat hati. Lakonan Peter Dinklage (juga berlakon sebagai Professor Sinister dalam filem Underdog) serious tapi lucu dan berhati mulia.

Script writer, special effects and makeup are the best. What is so good about these epic Disney films is that the visuals will always blow you away. The centaurs, minotaurs and talking animals all look stunning and the effects give them a boost of personality and lovability. Remember Pirates of the Caribbean? You will get the diversity of role in this movie as well. Wonder where they shot this film... the scenery is superb!

Pada hemat saya, babak peperangan akhir antara Narnia dan Telmarines belum cukup hebat. Mungkin standard yang telah diletakkan oleh Peter Jackson bagi filem The Lord of the Rings : The King Return terlalu tinggi menyebabkan keseluruhan babak peperangan ini terasa hambar. Saya tidak membaca buku ini mungkin saya silap tapi saya rasakan olahan watak utama 4 beradik itu tidak ditonjolkan sepenuhnya.

Namun, babak peperangan Prince Caspian lebih dramatik dan visual yang lebih mengerikan. Narnian creatures and humans are actually wounded and die. We even can see a severed head hitting the ground minus any blood and with the face turned away and the back of the head covered by a helmet. Again, the effects are absolutely stunning and the costume designs, CGI and creature makeup are flawless. Can you hate this movie???? NO… Only… Ben Barnes’ in-and-out accent will make you quite edgy… but… his smile covers it hehehe Speaking of Ben… as Caspian, the newcomer besides having pouty lips, also speaks an anonymous European accent with shoulder length hair that glows like something out of a shampoo commercial. :P

Among the best scenes is the sudden outbreak of special effects in a London tube station. Instead of the wardrobe, the 4 siblings teleport to Narnia through a London subway tunnel, landing on a sunny beach with rock formations that look a lot less wondrous than they're supposed to.

My recommendation is go and watch Narnia, a tale of heroic adventure, fanciful but yet, as in reality grounded in human problems of power, cruelty and conflict.

Iron Man

Lelaki Besi ini merupakan superhero Marvel Comic yang kurang terkenal berbanding kawan2nya yang lain seperti Batman, Superman, Spider-Man atau X-Men tapi mempunyai satu daya tarikan yang menyebabkan pengarah Jon Favreau mengadaptasikan watak Iron Man ke filem.

Bayangkan cerita Robocop dan robot Terminator… ada persamaan dengan Iron Man. Sedikit pembayang tentang Iron Man… dia bukan makhluk angkasa lepas, tidak terkena atau terdedah dengan radiasi melampau sehingga ada kekuatan binatang mahupun bertindakbalas melampau dengan memakai pakaian kelawar selepas kematian ngeri kedua ibu bapa. Bukan itu... bukan ini... Iron Man seorang yang genius tech yang sanggup memakai baju besi seberat 90 kg demi menyelamatkan manusia (ya ka?).

Permulaan filem yang hebat dengan adegan tembak menembak di Afghanistan… ya Afghan… dalam banyak2 tempat dalam dunia, kat tempat Osama jugak depa nak buat cerita... ditangkap pengganas (again Afghan is being categorised as terrorist) kemudian timbul kesedaran dan berakhir dengan diri yang baru. A mix of the audacious and the absurd hhhmmmm betoi ka nih citer Iron Man????

Casting was perfect and the story is presented in a way that stays true to the comics but show off the "modern sheen" with beautiful computer imagery. I am impressed! Credit goes largely to Robert Downey Jr., who plays Tony Stark aka Iron Man. Downey is not only perfect for the role of bad boy trying big toys but he has the wit, charm and hyperactive delivery to play a guy a few times smarter than everyone around him. Downey owns the role of Iron Man as Tobey McGuire did with Spidey and Hugh Jackman with Wolverine.

Namun cerita ini sempat juga menyelitkan endorsemen Amerika ialah polis dunia. Agak keterlaluan Iron Man terbang separuh dunia ke Afghan, membelasah pengganas Ten Ring, berhadapan dengan peluru berpandu tentera Amerika dan kembali semula ke rumahnya (garu kepala yang gatai nih...)

Dua pertiga daripada filem ini menyaksikan babak2 yang agak perlahan, macam Batman Begins, manakala satu pertiganya penuh dengan ’amazing special effects action sequences’.

Overall, I was very impressed with Iron Man and for children, it is a lot of fun.

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium

Bayangkan kedai permainan yang antik yang dihimpit oleh bangunan pencakar langit yang bernama "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium”. On whole, the film has just enough charm to win over at least a few in the audience, even if it's not quite as wondrous as its title might have you believe.

The movie's modest appeal has to do with its cast. Natalie Portman as Molly Mahoney, a former child prodigy who now works for Edward Magorium (Dustin Hoffman with bushy hair and eyebrows). Molly learned that her beloved boss is "departing" and that he plans to leave his store to her. Needless to say, she's not happy about this. Other actors include a no-nonsense accountant, Henry Weston (Jason Bateman) and Eric (Zach Mills) an eccentric 9-year-old who's in the store so frequently that everybody considers him as an employee.

Dalam beberapa babak saya rasakan macam ada persamaan dengan cerita ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ cuma dengan ketiadaan gula2 dan coklat untuk dimakan.

The storylines about believing in yourself, reaching out to others and learning to play, Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium served it all. There is always something to do in Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium : read, build, experiment, play dodge ball with the world's largest ball. Children run riot and parents seem especially relaxed.

I felt that the ending was flat, almost as though the director felt the show had gone on long enough and he had to wrap it up NOW. The relationship between Henry and Mahoney is never really resolved, although it's kind of nice that the male and female leads don't have to be in a romantic relationship.

So if you're looking for a little magic in your life, stop by Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. It's a charming little shop, cozily sandwiched between two skyscrapers. Mr. Magorium may no longer be there, but Mahoney is, along with Bellini, the Mutant and Eric.

My next movie wish list : Kung Fu Panda, The Happening, X Files 2, Hulk, Hell Boys 2, Wanted, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Dark Knight, The Mummy : Tomb of Dragon Emperor and The Clone Wars. After that Ramadhan. Itu bukan filem daaa… bulan posa tau…
Pictures of the films were taken from respective official website. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

weii.. aku dah tengok KungFu Panda. Memang kelakar citer tu.. budak2 mesti suka..
yang paling aku tak lupa, everytime aku tengok Panda tu, mesti teringat kat Afdlin Shauki, bila tengok Afdlin mesti ingat kt Panda tu.. hehee
diaorang tu macam ada chemistry pulaks..


Anakmami said...

Sora Panda tu ialah Jack Black yang berlakon citer Nacho Libre, Shallow Hal, School of Rock and King Kong. Mamat tu mmg macam gila2 sket... but i like his acting, selamba...

Award by Solelymylife on 14 April 2009

Award by Solelymylife on 14 April 2009

Award by Solelymylife on 14 April 2009

Award by Solelymylife on 14 April 2009