Pic was taken @ Botanical Garden, Penang :)

08 April 2009

No... this is not a movie marathon...

Antoo Fighter

Azim menonton cerita ini di panggung wayang dan asyik menceritakan betapa menarik cerita ini walaupun ada beberapa perkara yang tidak masuk akal. Dia terpukau dengan cerita ini atau dia suka sebab ada elemen permainan ‘Street Fighter’ PS2 ????

Saya telah membaca beberapa ulasan sementara menanti DVD cerita ini. Usahlah merendah2kan filem kita sendiri… Secara peribadi Antoo Fighter merupakan cerita yang amat berpotensi dan akan lebih baik jika kita semua menyokongnya. Mungkin FINAS boleh membantu dari segi kewangan seperti mana Geng Upin dan Ipin.

Jika cerita Hollywood yang kurang masuk akal kita boleh terima kenapa tidak filem kita??? Bayangkan cerita hantu dimana bomoh akan menangkap hantu itu dan memenjaranya di dalam botol… ha… sama lah juga dengan cerita "Antoo Fighter” ini. Cuma kaedah dan olahan cerita yang berbeza.

Saya rasa babak permulaan cerita seperti permainan PS2 membawa satu kelainan. Cuma pada mulanya jenaka yang disampaikan boleh membuat kita ketawa tetapi lama kelamaan sudah menjadi lawak basi pula…

Radhi OAG yang membawa watak Poh Jee kadang kala nampak terlalu berusaha menjayakan wataknya. Harun Salim Bachik sebagai Pak Din memang sesuai manakala Drakulat Van Listerooy lakonan Awie memang mantap! Hantu2 telah disolek dengan baik tetapi mempunyai dialog yang agak sukar difahami. Ron dan Bell tidak perlu saya cerita…they are good actors but…. watak tidak begitu menonjol.

Cerita "Antoo Fighter" bagaikan menonton versi Melayu cerita Hollywood "Ghostbusters". Pujian harus diberikan kepada pengarah, Azizi 'Chunk' Adnan, kerana berjaya merealitikan cerita ini dan saya harap ada sambungannya…

Geng Pengembaraan Upin dan Ipin

Tahniah kepada Les' Copaque Production Sdn. Bhd. kerana membuat suami saya kagum hingga mulut terbuka menonton cerita ini di panggung wayang. ‘Sekarang I tahu kenapa anak2 suka cerita Upin dan Ipin…’ katanya. Saya sengih sampai ke telinga sebab usaha membawa anak2 dan abah mereka sekali ke panggung wayang menonton cerita ini berbaloi! Azhad siap ajak ke kedai untuk membeli DVD cerita ini sebaik sahaja kami keluar panggung!

Apa yang perlu saya katakan ialah ‘korang kalu tak tengok cerita ini boleh menyesal!’

Babak yang pasti saya ingat (dan sengih sorang2) ialah sewaktu gelongsor yang dinaiki Upin, Ipin dan Rajoo berhenti di cerun bukit lantas Upin melompat2 dan menghenjut2 gelongsor tersebut agar jatuh ke cerun bukit sambil Rajoo memekik2 agar Upin tidak berbuat demikian.

Upin : Kenapa berhenti ni? (sambil lompat-lompat atas gelongsor)
Rajoo : woi.. jangan!! nanti jatuh!
Upin : cepat Ipin, tolong..
Rajoo : jangan Ipin jangan.. ingat masa depan!!

adoi… (gaya Dracula Cina aka Nabil) dialog ‘ingat masa depan’ tu yang aku tak tahan.. hehehe

Babylon AD

Wow, I don't even know where to start. It is quite mess up because the movie looked liked it had potential. The acting was average as Vin Diesel and Michelle Yeoh did a decent job. Yup our Datuk Michelle Yeoh was in the movie…

While I think it was an interesting story, it just could have been so much better and should have been told more properly. The only character that we really get to know is just Toorup, played by Vin Diesel. Why there is a little focus on the girl, Aurora? How did she get her powers or was she really ill? What was the history and was she destined for all of what happened to her with her children? There were so many questions that were left unanswered. Over all, this isn't a terrible movie and I am lucky that I wait for the DVD rental because while the effects are very good and the whole setting is disturbing, it's the story that leaves you dumbfounded and just bummed that the story ended the way it did.



Who would have thought "Bolt" would be so thrilling and entertaining! The opening action is rushed with adrenaline, it excites me even though it is an animation! The plot is intelligent, interesting and fun. It makes perfect family entertainment.
My fav character is Rhino the hamster... he is cool...

I like this as I love wathching The Incredibles over and over again :)



I have not read the books so I watch the movie with a very open mind not knowing what it is all about. I thought it was ‘Underworld’ action type of movie but I am wrong. It is a teen movie and I am an old teenager hehehehe

Surprisingly, Twilight wasn't that bad of a film. There were some good moments and some very "eh" moments. Don't spend your time comparing it to the book. If you just sit there comparing the book and the movie, you'll take the fun out of the movie itself.

When I first look at Edward Cullen, the vision of Cedric Diggory flashes a few times. I like him more with his British accent…

Just try to enjoy the movie for what it is…


mylife said...

upin & ipin, BESSTTTTT!!!

part masa depan tu mmg kelakar giler... pehtu masa last kan ada scene yg sama tp kali ni, atuk, opah n bapak rajooo... ponkelakar... sama jek kekdahnyer, atuokmelompat nak turun, bapak rajoo mintak tolong... hahahhahaa

mylife said...

u've been awarded... sila amik kat blog gue ye... tenkiu

Anakmami said...

weiiii.... apa hadiahnya???? kete nissan sylphy ker???? ops tu Nabil punya...

Award by Solelymylife on 14 April 2009

Award by Solelymylife on 14 April 2009

Award by Solelymylife on 14 April 2009

Award by Solelymylife on 14 April 2009