Pic was taken @ Botanical Garden, Penang :)

02 April 2008

Why do they grow so fast?

I was so emotional this morning. No... it is not PMS or any related tantrum, just that I miss Abang Long so much. He grew up so fast! Really fast! It has been awhile since I last kissed him and I did it today, this morning. A big hug as usual and a kiss on his cheeck. He lookeed puzzled but glad. He walked out for school and I cried silently... murmuring.."Why do they have to grow so fast?"

I still remember those days when I carried him and nursing him, holding his hand while walking, singing to him lullabies, his first birthday, show him how to write his name, excitedly prepare him for his first year of school...

Without realizing it, he is on his way to university and getting married next! OMG! I am getting matured everyday huh? :)

This is Azim, age 7, year 2002.

This is Azim, age 13, year 2008.

Mama doakan Abang Long akan menjadi mujahid yang menegakkan Islam, mempraktikkan semua ilmu yang dipelajari dan menjadi contoh kepada yang lain supaya lebih dekat dengan Islam.

Ya Allah, selamatkanlah mujahid aku ini dan jauhkanlah dia dari perkara2 yang mungkar. Ameen...

2/4/2008 - 9.13am


shahril aley said...

semoga apa yang didoakan menjadi

erkk... tak boleh komen bebanyak pasai saya tak kahwin lagi

Anonymous said...


~cik ketumbar~

Anakmami said...

tak per Shahril... jadikan ini sebagai pedoman di masa akan datang...

life is a learning cycle...

Award by Solelymylife on 14 April 2009

Award by Solelymylife on 14 April 2009

Award by Solelymylife on 14 April 2009

Award by Solelymylife on 14 April 2009